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Start working as an English teacher in Vietnam!
And start earning in about 20-30 days from now
of work per day
You only need knowledge of spoken English and to want it
from $ 1200/month
for 4-5 hours
We are convinced that everyone should have the experience of living abroad at least once in their life!
new experiences and travel
the opportunity to earn more
Life is cheap here, and your salary will start from $ 1,200.
Vietnam is a great place to start!
meeting people from other countries
By working here you
will practice the language
will grow personally
will have a great experience
will travel
save up for your dream
Who needs to go to Vietnam to teach English?
Everyone who tends to be good with people:))
Well, in more detail:
Fresh bachelor graduates of foreign languages or pedagogy
Those who want to earn more
Those who are stuck in a routine
If you think about the future without much enthusiasm and a low-paying teaching job in your home country is the last thing you want in life, Vietnam is for you!
If you can speak English well and love children, it’s not that hard to arrange! In Vietnam, you will earn much easier and faster for all your dreams and goals. And finally, you will buy a new iPhone, update your wardrobe and be able to drink Starbucks coffee every day :))
Every day: work — home — work. Some entertainment on weekends, but more often you just want to lie on the couch and be left alone. You lost your passion, you live as if in a matrix and nothing pleases you. Maybe you just need an interesting job and decent pay? :)
Now a little bit about us!
Why do we urge you to come to Vietnam?
My name is Julia, and the day just before my 25th birthday, I bought a ticket to China. I only had $ 800 in my pocket. For a couple of months, I traveled the whole country, and when the money ran out, I started thinking about work. It was very hard and complicated, but in the end I started teaching English to children.
I lived peacefully, but over time people started asking me:

I understood that people need my experience and knowledge.
So in the beginning, I did everything by myself.
— Julia, how did you make it? I also want to do it!
But then, I founded UP2U - a recruiting agency that helps people find work in Asia.
Together with my husband and partner Tudor in 5 years, we helped 550 people find work in Asia!
You can become one of them :))
Do you want us to explain what’s our process?
I emphasize, US - we can not do everything for you. We help you, hold your hand, instruct and correct you, and you will simply make it.
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We send you some examples of video introductions, and you film yours.
You start having interviews with actual employers!
If we see that we have a good chance of success, once you paid the first part of the service fee, we begin to cooperate.
We tell you in detail what to improve in the video introduction in order to have the best possible image in the marketplace
At the same time, we are preparing for you an elegant CV, a TEFL certificate*, and the documents necessary for the visa.
When we find the right place for you, both sides will sign the offer/contract.*
The employer will issue you a visa, with which you’ll be able to enter Vietnam.
You come to Vietnam and immerse yourself into your new life
On average, it takes about 1 month from your full application until your plane takes off for Vietnam.
But it can be faster :)
*We will help you analyze your contract in detail, ask relevant questions, and negotiate so you’ll be protected.
cooperation program
We have considered all the questions that you may have, and on this basis we have developed a structured and comprehensible system of cooperation, filled with guides and video tutorials.
Cost — $600
You will get a “turnkey” new life
Сlick on the box ;)
Our goal is for everyone to find a GREAT job, go to Vietnam, and make their dreams come true!
We will hold your hand, we will help with all relevant details, and we will definitely reach the result!
A professional teacher who was, before Vietnam, wildly tired of online lessons and a lack of new experiences in her life.
Nastia's life was divided into before and after she moved to Vietnam!
She and her husband moved to Vietnam and are now earning more than $ 2,000  for their dreams
"Yay, I finally got my one-year work visa."
Dalia reached out to us with her husband from Egypt, Anas. The couple works and lives in Ho Chi Minh City. Anas works in a school where he has built a great team relationship. Dalia works in a school too filling out her schedule with part-time jobs, fortunately there are a lot of them in the city. This allows her to earn more than $2000 to chase her dreams. The guys really like Vietnam.
Click to read the review ;)
Going to the sea every weekend, she bought an iPhone and writes "I don't want the fairy tale to end!"
This is supported by our past applicant’s reviews:
"My life changed dramatically. Before Vietnam, I worked in the most ordinary job, as a waiter, and I earned $ 350−400. I was very tired, a lot of stress. I had been dreaming of leaving for a long time. I applied to the company "UP2U".

Now my salary is about $ 1200 a month, I work 5 hours a day, I have 100 hours a month. And I m able to travel, create memories for myself, I learn something new.

I want to say thank you very much to Julia for which she supported me, for what she gave me confidence that I would succeed in it. And, of course, the full accompaniment gave me more confidence that everything was going to be okay.

I really liked the fact that I could write to Yulia at any moment. And Yulia always helped me, always calmed me down, and was on contact, so thank you very much "UP2U" for that you helped me change my life".
We have a completely open feedback system and we are always happy to share the stories of our guys, we hope that  and you join their ranks ;)
Dreams have been fulfilled
Dreams have been fulfilled
Dreams have been fulfilled
Ksenia felt that she was lost and just drifted on current, completely forgetting about her dreams. And when she saw our video, she immediately lit up with the idea of moving!

Ksenia worked for a couple of months in a small town, and now she has moved to a new school in Hanoi.
Dreams have been fulfilled
He graduated from the pedagogical faculty, but for most of his life he worked in the civil service, and now he has realized his dream of working with children and having a good relationship with a Vietnamese girl!
Dreams have been fulfilled
Dreams have been fulfilled
Dreams have been fulfilled
Olya is from Minsk. She went to Vietnam in September and started working with Veronica. Now the girls are besties! Olya had never been to Asia before, so the first days of being there were filled with shock, tears and the search for a return ticket. And look at that happy person now!

The girls spend their weekends going to the sea together. Olya has bought an IPhone and says she doesn’t want this miracle to end. After the academic year comes to an end, Olya will go to Belarus and then come back to her beloved school.
The kids find me everywhere
Egor went to Vietnam with our help before the pandemic and worked for over a year in northern part of the country.

He fell in love with Vietnam, its people and working there. Now he’s working in a school in southern Vietnam. Egor graduated from a pedagogical university, but mostly worked in public service.

He is the perfect teacher. Egor has no plans to leave Vietnam anytime soon and is in a serious relationship with a Vietnamese girl.
Dalia and Anas
I had not worked until that day as a teacher, but I really wanted to go.
It took me a long time to decide to move, my child and my husband’s good job were holding me back. But I decided to move to Vietnam right after my maternity leave.
Her husband supported Alla. Now she has been working in a kindergarten near Ho Chi Minh City for the second month, goes to the gym at home, and is waiting for her husband and child to join her.

She says she was very lucky to have two female employers, because she had an understanding human relationship with them.
But I decided: "if I don't do this right now, then I never will!"
Turned to us with no teaching experience, but with a desire to change lives.
What was her surprise when her schoolmate was her classmate from Novosibirsk Egor! whom we had brought to Vietnam a couple of years earlier :) Our guys-teachers lived in three in big house from school and absolutely loved this time and this experience. While working in a public school. Veronica constantly wrote "I live in a tale. "the best time of my life."

"Am I happy with the agency? Yes, I was satisfied with the work. I really liked everything with you. When I wasn't even here yet, I trusted you, I trusted you, and I trust you now, everything is cool in that respect.
She didn’t decide to move right away. Because it’s harder with a husband and a baby, let’s be honest.
We very quickly found a school
for Andrey in North Vietnam. Where he was fired after a couple of weeks
because he was playing Eminem to five-year-olds :) We got hooked up immediately and had him work in Ho Chi Minh City. Together with jobs Andrew earns about 2500 $ a month. He bought his last iPhone, and now he’s going on a round-the-world trip with the money he earned.

Andrey was very satisfied with our cooperation and recommended us to his friend.
It was hard to make up her mind, because her stable job in her homeland was holding her back. But her parents supported her and Yulia gave in to her interest!

Now she looks very happy. She became friends with our teacher Ksyusha, who lives nearby and together they study Vietnam on weekends and vacations.
Irina really wanted to feel free in a new country, and that's what drove her to it. We found a kindergarten for Ira with a wage of $1600 in Hanoi. The husband decided to take an IT course, while the child went to online school.

And now Ira, having already had Vietnamese experience, had an interview at the coolest chain of schools in Vietnam.
Turned life upside down
Turned life upside down
Turned life upside down
Turned life upside down
Turned life upside down
Turned life upside down
Turned life upside down
He lived and worked in China but after his return to Russia, he wanted to continue his Asian experience. He also found his love in Vietnam, inside the UP2U community!
Turned towards Vietnam after a successful career in China
Emil talked to different agencies and chose UP2U. We quickly found him a job in Hanoi.
And although there are "swings" with the employer in terms of communication, everything is paid. And also, all the difficulties were compensated by the acquaintance with our teacher Diana in our chat room!

The guys started dating and look how cute they are together!
I turned to UP2U for support in employment in Vietnam, after a great experience with them getting hired in China!
I flew to Vietnam from Ukraine. I really wanted to go to Asia after my Chinese experience.
We worked very well on the video-intro for the interviews, and as a result, she was invited to many schools. Masha chose a school in Hanoi with an convenient schedule of only evenings.

She moved from Russia with her boyfriend and simply fell in love with Hannah.
I've been following your social media channels since 5 years! I lived in China for 8 years, and when I decided to move to Vietnam I had no doubts about who I should do it with
I had to choose between schools and decided on a school in the mountains in North Vietnam.

Olga is very grateful to us, because we thoroughly checked her contract and now she is sure that no Vietnamese employer will be able to make her do anything beyond her job description.

Olga is happy with our cooperation and actively recommends us to her acquaintances.
From China to Vietnam
Pavlina now lives and works in Ho Chi Minh City and enjoys her freedom!

"Oh, I love Vietnam. It’s so wow! I didn't even think about the price of UP2U, the main thing is I have to leave China. And you organized everything very quickly found me a job, I even picked out more schools. I  took full support that's your thing, your competitors don’t have that. And chat, and questions 24/7, and Vietnamese assistant. Choose all the UP2U's!"
From China to Vietnam
From China to Vietnam
From China to Vietnam
From China to Vietnam
From China to Vietnam
From China to Vietnam
From China to Vietnam
Why should you go to work in Vietnam as an English teacher?
We believe that everybody should have the experience of living abroad! You can return home later, but you will be a completely different person!
It's an amazing experience
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It’s a fairly easy job, also a completely legal one, and you will have enough free time for yourself (study/work on other projects or explore the local culture)
The ability to save money for your dreams. Your salary will start from $ 1200, while the locals' salary is around $ 200−400. It means that you can live a good life, and at the same time be able to save at least $ 500 a month for your dreams
Vietnam is an amazingly beautiful and safe country. It has sea, mountains, waterfalls, amazing architecture and much more. Exotic fruits and delicious Vietnamese cuisine. You can take cheap flights or sleeper buses around the country on weekends or holidays. And also to nearby countries.
Meet new cultures and friends from all over the world! Vietnam has a large expat community. People from all over the world love this country, they come and fall in love with it, then cannot leave And no wonder: hospitable locals, delicious food, low prices, and amazing attractions.
easy job
cheap travel
new culture
dream come true
Why now?
Vietnam has only reopened since 2022, after a two-year closure. There are not that many foreigners here yet, but schools do need teachers.
The government policy in Vietnam is now much more friendly towards non-native English teachers
It is easy to make good money here, as you can find extra teaching hours around (usually paid at $ 16−22 / h), on top of your main job.
Teachers who worked in China slowly need to leave due to the changing conditions there. Many of them orient towards Vietnam, so it’s slowly but surely getting more competitive.
So better act fast!
Why with us?
We assisted over 501 teachers to find work and move to Asia. We know how to "market" you in the best possible way. Not just to "find a job", but the best job possible for you, in the current market conditions, and in a timely manner.
We have been living in Vietnam for a long time and know first-hand how it is to adapt here as a foreigner.
And most importantly, we personally meet with the Vietnamese employers. Because it is important for us to be sure that you will be in a good place.
We know how important trust is in the field of recruiting for working abroad. Actually, trust is the most important thing! After all, you trust us with your new life in a new, very different country. Therefore, our reviews are open, and you can openly communicate with the people who have already received our service.
We guarantee to find a new job quickly, in the low probability event that something there goes very wrong.
We have recurring clients. Every third client returns to us, asking us to find him/her another position, even years after. And more than 80% of them recommend us to their friends
Click ;)
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Your life only depends on you
Vietnam is a *stunning* country, amazing from pretty much any point of view.
In this Asian country, you can either live on the cheap and save a lot, OR enjoy a very nice lifestyle, while still saving money.

All this, while having a relaxed work schedule.

As a foreigner and expat in Vietnam, you’ll be treated extremely well and respected.
Also, you’ll meet other expats like you, from all walks of life and from all over the world.

This is not just "a job abroad", it’s a whole new beautiful life.
Your life is completely up to you and under *your* control!

We’re here to help you make a big life change that you’ll remember for the rest of your life.

You could continue with your current life (which might be just fine!), or jump into the amazing adventure and growth process involved by moving to Vietnam for work.
Didn’t you dream about such an adventure?
You are only one step away from it
Tell us “hello” and we’ll reply soon!
Up to you - see you in Vietnam! :))
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